Joola Dynaryz AGR

Joola Dynaryz AGR

kr 800,00


The JOOLA Dynaryz AGR Table Tennis Rubber is used by the professionals in the pinnacle of the sport. If your game is ready for the highest caliber of play, then the JOOLA Dynaryz AGR is for you. The new signature purple Hyperbounce sponge is the key to the amazing dynamics of this hard rubber. Combined with the Advanced Traction Surface, the precision and quality of each and every shot will be unprecedented. Harness the power of the JOOLA Dynaryz AGR Table Tennis Rubber for an unrivaled game!



HYPERBOUNCE SPONGE – The vibrant purple of the HYPERBOUNCE SPONGE symbolizes the intensity this sponge brings to your game. This ground-breaking sponge has been engineered to possess massive amounts of potential energy, which is released upon ball contact to create explosive power for each and every attack.

ADVANCED TRACTION SURFACE – The high-friction ADVANCED TRACTION SURFACE wraps and propels the ball from the rubber to generate increased spin and to provide more control.


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JOOLA Dynaryz AGR bordtennisgummi brukes av profesjonelle på toppen av sporten. Hvis spillet ditt er klart for det høyeste spillkaliberet, er JOOLA Dynaryz AGR noe for deg. Den nye signatur lilla Hyperbounce svampen er nøkkelen til den fantastiske dynamikken til denne harde gummien. Kombinert med Advanced Traction Surface vil presisjonen og kvaliteten på hvert eneste skudd være enestående. Utnytt kraften til JOOLA Dynaryz AGR bordtennisgummi for et uovertruffent spill!


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